Raymond Cannefax

Mr. Cannefax, the author of "Successful Management 101" is a recognized Management Consultant, Entrepreneur, Author & Educator.  Following a successful 35-year business career, he retired from his role as President & CEO of Paradigm Medical Industries, Inc., after restructuring Paradigm Medical to succeeding in the Ophthalmic marketplace. Following four years of retirement, he returned to the business sector as a consultant, and also as an Educator, teaching at the University of Utah and aiding two high schools when there is a need.

Mr. Cannefax began his management career in 1978 with AT&T.  His successful management style was recognized by Saudi business magnet, Adnon Khashoggi, who recruited him to manage the global telecommunication operations for Triad, Inc. At Triad he launched one of the first Shared Tenant Communications venture in the United States at the Triad Center.  In 1986 Mr. Cannefax joined Sprint Communications as a member of the senior management team comprised of Sprint's CEO, Wm. Esarey, V.P. Victor Koppang and V.P. Sammy Freeman in developing the process that helped Sprint's sales management to significantly increase revenue and assure company growth. Mr. Cannefax and Mr. Freeman created a revolutionary management process that was utilized as the training program for Sprint's Western Division management, after which Mr. Cannefax was appointed as Senior Regional Director of Sprint's West Division.  One of the philosophies utilized: Train the trainer!

Following his success Sprint, Mr. Cannefax founded Apollo Telecom, Inc., an international telecommunication provider. Upon selling Apollo to Japan's Hideo Gotto Investment consortium, he employed his management process to restructure Fox Communications of Utah, Inc. and Paradigm Medical Industries, Inc., over a seven year period. Prior to joining Paradigm, he directed the restructure of MEDA Medical Device Co., a Chinese medical device manufacturer.

"Employ and Teach What Works" is the basis of "Successful Management 101."  Throughout his career, Mr. Cannefax employed the strategies and tactics defined within this book, to which he attributes the success of companies he restructured and managed, as well as his personal success, to adhering to those guidelines presented therein. With technology advances and changes in business practices, the revised, second edition of "Successful Management 101", will be available in late-2024.
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No other management text defines and delivers both, the Strategies and Tactics necessary for Success, The readily usable tools, documents and templates allow users to begin implementing the Successful Management 101 process immediately.  Thirteen years in developmentand eight years in creating the second edition, "Successful Management 101' will be available from Amazon or by ordering directly from this site on the Contact Us page or the Home Page

In the words of one of IOMEGA's founder: "This is the best management book I have read, bar none.  It addresses everything one needs in order to succeed within an organization of any size - directives, tactics, basic business acumen, and tools to implement success-oriented strategies which are clearly defined and delivered."
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Mr. Cannefax is available to provide the following services designed to help organizations implement the skill sets & practices defined in his book:
Team building skills to assure greater profitability and successful management to achieve desired company goals & objectives.
Unique and highly successful "SUCCESS ACTION WORKSHOP" to any size management team and their staff.
Business tools and acumen with a new motivational perspective to assure continued business success. 
Teach and succeed by implementing the strategies defined in "Successful Management 101, The Manager's Manual" 

 CONTACT US  for Details regarding services offered and designed to assure your organization's or business' SUCCESS!